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Advcash Business Account / API

Advcash Business Account / API

10 Jun, 2022

Advcash has a payment gateway that allows its users to accept payments through their websites. Your customers can pay you using credit / debit card and bank transfer by just visiting your website. You can set up a merchant account via https://advcash.com/en/business , this means that anyone that visits your website will have an option to pay you via Advcash. The beautiful thing about this is that if anyone chooses to do this,  they will not be charged any service fee.

Advcash provides access to your own account through a simple API interface . 
API stands for Application Programming Interface. An interface that allows two or more software applications (that are written differently) to communicate with each other. In this case we will discuss how to use API to accept payment into your advcash account from your customers. We would like to let you know how easy it can be to do this.
The Advcash API makes it easy for developers to build applications that can make payment from your customers account using their Advcash information. This enables Advcash to provide a seamless checkout experience for their users, this API can be used to integrate your website with Advcash secure processing service. In addition, Advcash can help increase sales volumes while providing a better customer service experience. Any funds received through checkout on your website will be available in your Advcash balance. With API , you can also automate funds sending.

The Advcash API can help you build your own e-commerce platform on the web. If you have any website that has been built using PHP/MYSQL, then this will be a good place to start if you are looking at adding a payment gateway like Advcash to your store. You will get a unique application ID and secret after you must have registered and signed into Advcash business portal, you just have to copy these two credentials into your code. Once you have these two pieces of information, you are ready to integrate Advcash payment processing into your e-commerce website. You will also get the documentation for api integration once you log into the Advcash business portal.

To make your first request to the Advcash API, you have to ensure you have php curl extension installed and enabled on your web hosting server.

Advcash payment API is a good way to add functionality into your website for online payments without integrating any third party payment gateway. Merchants in Nigeria can take advantage of this , they can sell their services to prospective customers regardless of location and easily convert their earnings to naira by selling advcash funds to us.

Should you need to buy or sell Advcash in Nigeria, contact us via whatsapp +2347057596117  or visit our homepage.